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Whether you anticipated your child’s stay in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) or it was unexpected, having a newborn with urgent medical needs can be a stressful and overwhelming experience for any parent. At Kharghar Medicity, we strive to provide the best care for your baby while also delivering well-rounded support to you and your growing family.

The condition is caused by immaturity of the lungs, especially lack of surfactant production. The absence of surfactant, which normally reduces the surface tension in the lungs, leads to collapse. It can occur in term infants, especially infants of diabetic mothers, though this is rare. As well as lacking surfactant the lungs of premature babies are underdeveloped.

Our specialists will consult with you to ensure that you are prepared and informed about every decision you make for your baby’s health.We are leading the way with a focused neurocritical care initiative aimed at safeguarding infant brain health.

Q.   What is incubator?

A.   An incubator is an apparatus used to maintain environmental conditions suitable for a neonate (newborn baby). It is used in preterm births or for some ill full-term babies.