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Stop Plucking Your Nose Hair

Do you have the habit of plucking your nose hair? While it may seem unsightly or awkward, your nose plays an important role in keeping you healthy. The next time you reach for tweezers or scissors, rethink and stop doing it.

When your nose feels overwhelmed with thick or dense hair, it's common to use tweezers or even fingers to pluck them out. Some may even go to the extent of waxing it off. However, it’s important to be cautious before doing so.

Two Types of Nose Hair

There are two kinds of nose hair:

  • Vibrissae: The visible front nose hair that can be plucked out.
  • Microscopic Cilia: Located at the back of the nose, these hairs filter mucus and move it to the back of the nose.

Reasons to Stop Plucking Your Nose Hair

Here are the reasons why you must stop plucking your nose hair:

  • It can make you catch infections: When you pluck your front nose hair, you’re more prone to infections. Germs and particles near the follicles can enter the body when the Vibrissae are removed.
  • The Danger Triangle: The triangular area on the face between your mouth and nose is called the “danger triangle.” This area is vital for brain function. The veins that carry blood from the nose converge with those from the brain. Plucking nose hair can allow germs to travel from this area all the way to the brain, potentially causing conditions like meningitis or brain abscesses.
  • Bacteria and Germs Outbreak: When nose hair is plucked or waxed, the exposed pore becomes vulnerable to bacteria and germs. Without the protective function of the cilia and other nose hairs, these harmful particles can travel deeper into the body, possibly reaching the brain.